Programme Overview 18th - 25th August 2023
Transforming mindsets (18th - 20th August) - optional
Location: Offsite@Swiss Alp
The Beauty of Nature with Dr. Ruth Förster & Dr. Anaïs Sägesser
Take it to the ground. Develop regenerative self-leadership, collaborative skills and nature positivity
Highlights: Fireside chat, Swiss Alp hiking
Navigating just transitions (21st August)
Location: SQUARE@HSG
I want you to panic! Insights from: Dr. J. Rockström, Club of Rome
The time is NOW. Drive just transitions to a green economy
Highlights: Future of Food Dinner
Systems leadership for regenerative futures (22nd August)
Location: SQUARE@HSG
How Net Zero? Insights from: Patagonia, Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel
Never to small to make a difference. Dive into regenerative business models from various industries.
Highlights: Expert panel: The power of Data and AI in just transitions
Accelerating climate justice (23s - 25th August)
Location: SQUARE@HSG
Fasten your seatbelts. Insights from:
Ready to take off. Insights from:
Investing in Humanity. Insights from:
Drive to survive: Real-life cases for just transitions through:
» intrapreneurship
» (social) entrepreneurship
» intergenerational and transdisciplinary collaboration
Highlights: Keynote: Unpacking the energy transition, Impact Career Fair, Closing Ceremony
You can download the detailed program here.